Friday, September 28, 2012

Now that's a barn door!

I pass by this every time I visit my in-laws' farm and it always makes me smile.

Too bad more people don't commission murals. So many objects in our daily life could benefit from a little visual interest... tractor trailers, box store rooftops, or just the occasional barn door.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Re-purposing is so awesome!

My mind doesn't always visualize the 2nd or 3rd use in objects, but I always appreciate a good version when I see it. This horn turned water fountain is the perfect example.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Farewell, old bridge

Staunton's old railroad bridge
before it was removed (duh)
Farewell, old C&O pedestrian railroad bridge. I hope your preservation committee does you proud!

You can see the plans for rehabilitation of the bridge here, along with some cool old pics and original documents.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Staunton rooftops

Staunton rooftops

It's impossible not to love a town that has this view from the parking garage.